Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My opinions story

The state of Texas wants to make school days longer, a new state law for public school's in Texas require administrators to track time in classrooms in minutes rather than days.
In my opinion this is not a good idea for many reasons for example making the school days longer means we have to get out of school at a later time which could result in a lot traffic in our city and we already have a big traffic problem.
 Another reason this would not be a good ida is it wouldn't leave us kids a lot of day time to spend with our family because most kids get home from school and plan to relax but if we get out at a later time their won't be enough time to just relax because we need to do our homework and eat and shower, this could be extremely worse for some other kids that have after school activities this might lead them to have no time to even eat or shower because finishing their homework would be more important, or it could lead to kids staying up late to finish their homework and causes them to loose sleep.
I dont believe that having longer school days would even benefit us, students are already in school for 8 hours of the day, it seems like enough learning. How could we benefit from just 10 more minutes of in each class? we wouldn't benefit at all it would just delay us from getting home faster/earlier.
On the other hand teachers and other staff might think its the best thing ever, "yay more time to learn" but what else are you going to teach us in 10 minutes?, But other teachers also agree with students.
"it wouldn't help us teach you more it would just result in us getting out of school late" said a bowie geography teacher.
The solution to this problem is not changing the requirement of how many minutes we need to be in class, the amount of time we spend at school is enough sometimes it feels like its already too much.
all we need to do is come to school finish what we need to get done and leave.
We shouldn't measure our learning by how much time we spend at school.

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